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This is a blog, a book, a data source and a discussion forum. It contains videos, graphics and text. There are several different ways to use this site:

– We highly recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. These are the easiest ways to keep up to date. You will receive all our videos, podcasts and articles for free.

– You should first watch the videos, which are an excellent introduction to our main ideas and research results. Please do not forget to share the videos!

– You can directly access any chapter or part of the book/project by clicking the links of the Table of Contents below this text.

– You can also access the project by country. The sidebar contains all countries which have been discussed up to this point. Every country-article covers both the episodes in which the country was a victim of an advanced democracy and other crimes if they were among the 74 largest mass killings since 1769.

– Finally you can also explore the project by topics. The sidebar contains a tag cloud. Topics include different types of mass crimes, regime types and time periods.

The bibliography of this website can be found here.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Democracy Paradox

II. Comparing the 74 Largest Mass Killings by Democracies and Autocracies 1769-2018